Monday, December 12, 2011

Merry Christmas from BCC and SILK !

Here is what has been packed (see duffels below)
and will be on the way to Haiti January 8 ---
arriving January 9 th!  Over 200 items of
handmade clothing, undergarments,  six
infant layettes filled with handmade
items and gifts for Mom, and
knitted/crocheted baby hats.
So very grateful for the loving hands who
have spent hours and hours creating these
gifts demonstrating God's Love !!

These are three more of our layettes, including
handmade baby quilts, that have been 
shared with some local families who
don't yet know the Lord, but hopefully
will feel His Love through these gifts!

We pray God's richest blessings as we 
celebrate the Birth of His Son, Jesus!

O Night Divine -- O Holy Night!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Gift to Keep the Babes Warm !

This is just a sampling of the several dozen
quilts that have recently been given to
local pregnancy counseling centers.
It's our prayer that the accompanying
note of love and encouragement gives these
young mothers some hope and joy !

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Labor of Love and Sharing Our Bounty !

 On this table are 60 baby quilts - all cut out by our
Dear Roberta Carpenter.  As well, for many, many
years, she made these clowns for children to love.
This past Saturday at SILK, we prayed over the
bounty of goodness created in love by her.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
Later in the morning, Jill and her helpers came to sort
through our generous/donated supply of trims, buttons, lace
and ribbon.  The BCC Connections group will make
Christmas stockings for Shepherd's Door children to
decorate.  So happy to have some fun and
cute things for them to have some fun this
Season of Jesus' Coming to Us!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Praying for Roberta

Our Dear Roberta - doing what she does so well --
cutting out baby quilts for local outreach.
How many babies will be kept warm for years
to come from the work of Roberta's hands?
As we anticipate her going to be with Jesus,
our prayers go to her family.
She will be so missed!
Love You, Roberta !!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A cozy Saturday morning . . . . .

. . . and a lovely time had by all!

We moved locations this month and were a bit on the cozy side, but all eleven
of us had a great time of fellowship and sharing what our hands have been
creating!  Our inventory now stands at --
87 Dresses
19 Skirts
40 boys shorts
About 40 baby quilts
And that's only two months into the Fall!

We have chosen to expand our efforts just a bit in that as needs arise locally, we will
do our best to meet them!  This week saw of box of items for a newly-widowed Mom
of three young ones -- so happy to help fulfill a need from our "warehouse".

Next saw the creation of a beautiful layette to be included in the silent auction to raise research
funds needed to battle Crohn's Disease.  Rachel - 17 years young and beautiful -- is 
one of our family with this affliction and we have chosen to "love"on her and this cause
by donating some of our creations.  Hope it sells for A LOT !!  Some baby girl will
be lavished on with some lovely gifts from SILK !!

As always, we're blessed beyond measure by "working" for the Lord!  
He has given us skills and the desire to work for Him.  As one of our gals said,
"I was just looking for some way to help children in Haiti and Africa".  
We are thrilled she has chosen to be a part of this ministry

Have a blessed Fall Season everyone -- think about stopping
by on November 12 -- we'll be busy cutting and stitching,
but so love to share what God is doing through SILK!

Merci Jezu!

Jan and the SILK Ladies

Friday, September 9, 2011

SILK - It's Not Just for Kids!

Our BCC group that went to Haiti this summer noticed a need for
skirts for young women -- and voila !!  Here is a great start for
personal delivery (by yours truly) in January!   These are super
cute, don't need notions (just a drawstring) and can honestly
be stitched up in just an hour!  
I have no doubt I'll be taking quite a few of these along with
the sweet dresses and sturdy shorts for kids!
As always -- Merci Jesu !!
jan and the SILK Ladies

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Friend In Recovery -- SILK "arrives" in Haiti !!

Gerry, Shari Swanson and I visited Linda and Dan Green last night.
Linda is recovering from seriously broken legs and an arm from
a car crash on June 3 (she was hit head on).  Her spirits are
great and her wit in right there where it always has been!  Keep
them your prayers as she had another surgery today on her ankle
and continues to recover at a care facility in SW Portland.

As well, our BCC team made it to and from Haiti on a really
great trip!  They helped build two homes, packaged meals, 
distribute clothing, led Bible Study, and visited families
in their homes with layette gifts.  Following are photos
of some of the SILK creations from our BCC Ladies!

She looks really serious :) !!

A whole rack to give away !!

Praying in gratitude to Jesus !!

A little blurry -- but cute just the same!
(That's my Mandy there)

Giving with the hands of Jesus !!

JoEtta had a terrific trip!

Thanks again to all who had a hand in dresses and Layette
gift bags.  SILK meets again on September 10 at 9:00 --
consider joining us !!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Staying Here -- But Send We Did!

Children in Lifeline Christian Mission School
Grand Goave, Haiti

So, last Friday, the SILK ministry sent:  140 handmade dresses, 20 pairs boys shorts, 50 knitted/crocheted baby hats and 12 layette gift bags (6 fille, 6 garçon) for new moms - stuffed into two duffel bags bound for Haiti; arrival this Saturday! God has blessed our efforts in abundance! Merci Jesu!

Then, on Saturday, I had some moments of introspection --  
It's a bittersweet thing to take someone you love to a meeting place (in this case BCC) and tell them good bye for what's really not a long time while they fly across the world to a far off land - and so want to jump into their duffel and stowaway!!

My place is here at this point in time - I know that and I get it. I will go again (hopefully soon) when God makes it clear to me that i'm supposed to. But am I struggling with envy? Wanting to be in Haiti - they've arrived by this point - where in the midst of terrific hardship, God is alive and working fully. Do I want to be one of those whom God has called to share His love? To grab "our" little girl and her Mom with the arms of Jesus? You bet I do!!!

But for now I'll be content to be God's servant here at home - knowing he has placed a ministry on my heart that will share His love as the items are removed one by one from the duffels where they were packed with love and joy. Knowing that "our" girl will see my family and feel the love we have for her. That's where I will rest for this next week until my family comes back home from the other side of the world - and it truly is God's World.

Thanks for partnering with us!

Jan and the SILK Ladies

Monday, July 11, 2011

Another New Dress Pattern !

Here's another cutie that we've discovered!
It's perfect for older girls - size 10-14,
See&Sew B5592.
This particular one is headed straight to
Haiti this Friday for the
Lefebvre's Miss Farah!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Work of His Hands -- Off to Haiti !!

Well, we're ready to roll -- here are a dozen layette bags,
filled with wonderful donations from our BCC Family!
The BCC team will take them in July and
be able to hand-deliver them to loving Moms and Babies!

Just some of the items to choose from when
filling the bags -- our BCC Family has been
so generous!

As well, we counted our inventory today of
88 dresses and 20 pairs of shorts.
As many as can fit will go with the BCC
team in July.  From Beaverton to
Haiti - done and done!

Another bounty of generosity -- dozens and
dozens of cuts of fabric for the SILK Ladies
to stitch into adorable handmade dresses
and shorts -- we could rival many a
fabric store :) !!

As always, we are so very grateful to all who have
contributed to this ministry -- God is Good !!
Jan and the SILK Ladies
(And Moms in Haiti who will be blessed)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New Generation of Baby Hats!

Check out these really sweet hats for the babies
of Grand Goave, Haiti!   Will be so wonderful
to include them with the other layette gifts!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's Almost Layette Gift Bag FILLING time !!

This past Saturday saw about a dozen dresses and a dozen pairs of boys shorts 
added to our inventory.  We also have "word" that there are about 40+ 
dresses that are done and coming our way !!

The Layette Gift Bags are about to become reality!
We sorted through all of the generous donations of items and will be filling as many 
bags as we can in June.  My husband, Gerry, says we can have a duffel (or two) to fill 
and the BCC team he's on will take them right to Haiti in July!  They will be 
delivered by our BCC family -- I am so excited -- we all are!!

For those who still would like to contribute to the Layette Project, here
are items that are still needed --

Wash Cloths
Burp rags  (if you feel like stitching some up, you can!)
Hats (lightweights knits, cotton, knitted or crocheted)
Lightweight receiving blankets (made with flannel and finished edges)
Baby Toys
Gifts for Mom (perfume, scarves, jewelry, lipstick, nail polish)

Thanks one and all for teaming up with the SILK Ladies!

Merci Jezu!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

God is Good Update -- Here is the Sweet Family!

Here is the family we were able to send clothing
to in Mexico via some BCC members.  I love that we have an
inventory to share when a need arises!

Monday, April 25, 2011

God is Good -- All the Time and Everywhere !!

So, it's so wonderful to have an inventory of clothing for Haiti! 

But it’s also so wonderful to be able to meet a need that arises!

One BCC couple travel to Mexico often and have become connected to a small Christian Church there.  He shared of a family where there is a need for some clothing.

Where would we find some – in our inventory, or course!  Yes, we’re creating for Haiti where the need is very great, but this need is very real today – Resurrection Sunday!

So another BCC couple will take some dresses and shorts this week when they travel to Mexico – need met and teamwork credited!

God is Good -- all the time and everywhere!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

We Have Amazing Days at SILK :) !!

We had about 13 ladies come on Saturday, April 9 --
Here's some of the fun we had:

Etta is really concentrating on the cutting !

First Timer Julie cut out fleece which will be tied
for lap robes by our Women's Retreat attenders
this coming weekend!

Another First Timer Ricki joined our lovely
Roberta in cutting baby quilts!

Nell and Margaret worked alongside
each other -- we heard them visiting away!

And we always need a break -- have
no idea what Etta was up to there with Nadine :) !

And at the end of the day, we had 77 dresses, several
baby quilts and about 8 pairs of boys shorts.
Our inventory is blossoming!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

BCC Outreach Weekend

A day to share various local and international outreach ministries,
SILK was one of about ten represented.  We shared the Layette
Project (see at the right below)  as well as . . . . .
 ..... the Little Paradise Quilt Project.  Below is a sample
of the style for the Quilts.  We have about $600 more
to raise for this project.  Please be in prayer about
contributing or letting others you may know of 
this wonderful opportunity!
Below is dear friend, Penny, signing up to receive
the pattern for crocheted/knitted baby hats.
It was a wonderful day to share with some new friends
about how they can become involved with SILK !!

In case you didn't get one, here is the list of items needed
for the Layettes -- there's a BIG BOX in the Atrium -
let's get it filled up !!

Baby powders, shampoos, oils, etc.
Cotton balls
Anti-bacterial soap
2-3 disposable Diapers
Hygiene items for mom (deodorant, soap, shampoo, lotion, conditioner, tooth brushes & paste, etc)
Receiving blanket
Sanitary napkins for mom
Small baby toys/rattles, etc
Some small trinket for mom (scarf, jewelry, hanky, compact,etc.)
Socks & Small Shoes
Wash cloths/towel

NO infant formula or baby bottles, please as we encourage mothers to breast feed.



Tuesday, March 22, 2011

So Much to Be Thankful For !!

We recently learned that a local church will contribute $1,000 towards the Quilt Project !!  I just about fell off my chair -- my co-workers were asking "what happened?"  And when my boss came in to work that day and asked how I was, I could only gush and say how really, really fine I was!  We're so thankful for this gift that makes the quilts a much closer reality!

As well, all of the 120 Layette Gift Bags are being sewn up as I write.  Many have already been turned in and are just waiting for the day when we can fill them with gifts -- so heart-warming to have so many involved!

Be watching for April 3 when the SILK table in the BCC Atrium will display what we're up to and all that we hope to accomplish with the skills God has given us.  All who visit us there will have opportunity to contribute to the quilt fund and/or take a list of layette items to purchase.  It's a Family effort !!

Praise God and Merci Jezu !!!

Jan and the SILK Ladies

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Another Day -- Another Great Time at Work!

 On Saturday we had one of the best SILK days yet!
Sixteen ladies came - some for the whole time -- some
for just a short while -- and it was wonderful !!
Baby Quilts, Dresses, Boys Shorts
and Layette Gift Bags were all lovingly
created for Haiti and here at home!
Join us next month --
April 9th, 9am to 2pm.

Roxie, Carol, Linda and Nadine
So glad to welcome return members and new ones alike!

Taking a break to enjoy each other's talent!
Carol, Margaret, Marie and Roberta

Laura & Etta sorting through projects in process.

Stop by for even a short while -- Linda and her friend
tied quilts for an hour - so happy they did!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Quilts for Haiti Fund Raising Update

To date, we have just over $900 collected towards the materials purchase for the quilts for Little Paradise Children's Home to be built in Grand Goave, Haiti.  If the Lord is leading you to partner with us, go to and you can give online -- just designate it for "Haiti Quilts".

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Finished Gift Bags !!

Here are a couple finished products - about 14"x14" capacity.
Can hardly wait to have a bunch done in
all those bright colors we have cut out !!

If you'd like to help stitch some up, leave a comment for Jan!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Sharing and Getting the Word out about SILK!!

Sharing at BCC this past Sunday was a joy and a treat!  What a special opportunity we all have to do something lovely for women and children in Haiti -- a land of severe desperation but also of supernatural Hope, that Hope that is in Jesus!  

I was handed some cash immediately following the service to go into the material fund -- that was a joy and treat as well!

Then I had several offers of fabric and help - more joy and treat!  

Soon thereafter came more offers of the same -- more joy, more treat!  

I have to admit, this is what I was so hoping would occur -- BCC family catching some of my excitement and passion for these projects.  But even more, that they would see the experience as one that even though it might sound superficial and material, it's one of sharing God's Love to women and children -- Love that they know is manifested in those gifts we create.  The true joy in giving and receiving, and giving and receiving, and giving and receiving.  It goes on and on -- and the emotions that surround both sides of the gift is pure joy and treat !!

As I shared, we know there is a Haitian Sister in Heaven because of the visit made with a layette in hand.  She received the gift of the layette that day of the earthquake, but so much, much more importantly, she received the gift of life – a life eternal that she entered when her earthly life was taken by the earthquake on January 12, 2010.

Please sign up to be a follower here -- or comment somewhere along the line!  This is truly a BCC Family ministry -- you'll hear more about the quilts and layettes over the next month or so.  I promise to update often on progress.  I promise to post photos along the way.  And I promise to post photos of completed quilts and gift bags -- that will be the culmination of many hours of labor in Love.

Praise Him and Merci Jezu!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Excited About Layettes!!

Here are just HALF of the gift bags ready to be distributed to seamstresses!
Will announce soon when distribution begins!
So many beautiful color combinations for the Moms in Haiti!

Adorable hand-knitted caps -- we are happy to share the pattern
if you want to crochet some for the Layettes!

And here is what the gift bags will look like - can't wait to
see them on the arm of a Haitian Sister !!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

MOMs at work for SILK !!

MOMs (Mothers of Munchkins) worked today at BCC and cut out over 120 cloth gift bags to be used for the Haiti Layettes project!  Jan shared about Haiti and what wonderful outreach the giving of these layettes are -- encouragement, love and saving knowledge of Jesus in some visits!  A wonderful time was had by all as we worked together for Him !!