Monday, February 28, 2011

Sharing and Getting the Word out about SILK!!

Sharing at BCC this past Sunday was a joy and a treat!  What a special opportunity we all have to do something lovely for women and children in Haiti -- a land of severe desperation but also of supernatural Hope, that Hope that is in Jesus!  

I was handed some cash immediately following the service to go into the material fund -- that was a joy and treat as well!

Then I had several offers of fabric and help - more joy and treat!  

Soon thereafter came more offers of the same -- more joy, more treat!  

I have to admit, this is what I was so hoping would occur -- BCC family catching some of my excitement and passion for these projects.  But even more, that they would see the experience as one that even though it might sound superficial and material, it's one of sharing God's Love to women and children -- Love that they know is manifested in those gifts we create.  The true joy in giving and receiving, and giving and receiving, and giving and receiving.  It goes on and on -- and the emotions that surround both sides of the gift is pure joy and treat !!

As I shared, we know there is a Haitian Sister in Heaven because of the visit made with a layette in hand.  She received the gift of the layette that day of the earthquake, but so much, much more importantly, she received the gift of life – a life eternal that she entered when her earthly life was taken by the earthquake on January 12, 2010.

Please sign up to be a follower here -- or comment somewhere along the line!  This is truly a BCC Family ministry -- you'll hear more about the quilts and layettes over the next month or so.  I promise to update often on progress.  I promise to post photos along the way.  And I promise to post photos of completed quilts and gift bags -- that will be the culmination of many hours of labor in Love.

Praise Him and Merci Jezu!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Excited About Layettes!!

Here are just HALF of the gift bags ready to be distributed to seamstresses!
Will announce soon when distribution begins!
So many beautiful color combinations for the Moms in Haiti!

Adorable hand-knitted caps -- we are happy to share the pattern
if you want to crochet some for the Layettes!

And here is what the gift bags will look like - can't wait to
see them on the arm of a Haitian Sister !!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

MOMs at work for SILK !!

MOMs (Mothers of Munchkins) worked today at BCC and cut out over 120 cloth gift bags to be used for the Haiti Layettes project!  Jan shared about Haiti and what wonderful outreach the giving of these layettes are -- encouragement, love and saving knowledge of Jesus in some visits!  A wonderful time was had by all as we worked together for Him !! 

Monday, February 14, 2011

A few More Details --

------ about the quilts for the Children's Home - "Petit Paradis" (Little Paradise).

The building is still in the planning stages -- projected to be built within the year in Grand Goave, Haiti.  Construction funds have been donated from an estate and I (Jan) had the privilege to be ready to jump in and volunteer us for the provision of the quilts!  It excited me immediately!

There is almost a year to accomplish the quilt project , but to begin with funds are needed to purchase the materials.  There has so far been donated $500 towards the overall need, but I estimate we need another $1500-$1700 to cover the expenses.  I believe I've estimated high, so any extra could be used to purchase sheets and pillows.

Following fund raising, we'll need seamstresses -- cutting the fabric and batting, then sewing and tying.  The work can be done at BCC or at home -- whatever works best!

Please pray about how you might participate and what ideas you might have for resources (materials or discounts -- JoAnn's corporate turned us down).  This is totally new territory for many of us, but we know God is totally in it!

Hope to hear from "you" soon!!

What We Do and Who We Are (at least some of us!)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ready for a New Phase!!

Hello and Welcome to SILK!  We are so excited to be able to share here what God is doing through this ministry.  Over the years the dresses and baby quilts we have created have been delivered or shipped across the world -- locally in the Pacific NW and to Haiti and Honduras.  Current projects that have come to us have brought excitement!!  They include:

1.  Making cloth gifts bags that will be filled with baby layette items for new mothers in Haiti. These are delivered in a very personal way with prayer and invitation to church to learn more about Jesus.

2.  Also we will be serving as the coordinating hub for the sewing of 64 twin quilts (32 for boys and 32 for girls) to be delivered to Grand Goave Haiti upon completion of construction of a Children's Home there.  This home became a vision following the earthquake of January 2010.

Please feel free to drop by this blog often -- I hope to update it regularly (this is a new venture for me)!

Oh, and SILK meets once a month on the 2nd Saturday at BCC  - drop in sometime!  We work from 9 to about 1, but also do a lot of work at home.  This month alone we inventoried 107 dresses to send to Haiti --we think that's so awesome!

See you soon!

Jan and the SILK Ladies