Sharing at BCC this past Sunday was a joy and a treat! What a special opportunity we all have to do something lovely for women and children in Haiti -- a land of severe desperation but also of supernatural Hope, that Hope that is in Jesus!
I was handed some cash immediately following the service to go into the material fund -- that was a joy and treat as well!
Then I had several offers of fabric and help - more joy and treat!
Soon thereafter came more offers of the same -- more joy, more treat!
I have to admit, this is what I was so hoping would occur -- BCC family catching some of my excitement and passion for these projects. But even more, that they would see the experience as one that even though it might sound superficial and material, it's one of sharing God's Love to women and children -- Love that they know is manifested in those gifts we create. The true joy in giving and receiving, and giving and receiving, and giving and receiving. It goes on and on -- and the emotions that surround both sides of the gift is pure joy and treat !!
As I shared, we know there is a Haitian Sister in Heaven because of the visit made with a layette in hand. She received the gift of the layette that day of the earthquake, but so much, much more importantly, she received the gift of life – a life eternal that she entered when her earthly life was taken by the earthquake on January 12, 2010.
Please sign up to be a follower here -- or comment somewhere along the line! This is truly a BCC Family ministry -- you'll hear more about the quilts and layettes over the next month or so. I promise to update often on progress. I promise to post photos along the way. And I promise to post photos of completed quilts and gift bags -- that will be the culmination of many hours of labor in Love.
Praise Him and Merci Jezu!