Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Friend In Recovery -- SILK "arrives" in Haiti !!

Gerry, Shari Swanson and I visited Linda and Dan Green last night.
Linda is recovering from seriously broken legs and an arm from
a car crash on June 3 (she was hit head on).  Her spirits are
great and her wit in right there where it always has been!  Keep
them your prayers as she had another surgery today on her ankle
and continues to recover at a care facility in SW Portland.

As well, our BCC team made it to and from Haiti on a really
great trip!  They helped build two homes, packaged meals, 
distribute clothing, led Bible Study, and visited families
in their homes with layette gifts.  Following are photos
of some of the SILK creations from our BCC Ladies!

She looks really serious :) !!

A whole rack to give away !!

Praying in gratitude to Jesus !!

A little blurry -- but cute just the same!
(That's my Mandy there)

Giving with the hands of Jesus !!

JoEtta had a terrific trip!

Thanks again to all who had a hand in dresses and Layette
gift bags.  SILK meets again on September 10 at 9:00 --
consider joining us !!