Saturday, April 14, 2012

Fun and Exciting !!

So today we had some visitors -- "Liz" came by
representing another sewing ministry with a whole lot
of batting for our baby quilts!
Just when we needed more -- Thanks, Lord!

As well, Andrea and Sue came by as they are interested
in starting a ministry similar to SILK at their own church!
It's kind of like we're starting a "Daughter SILK" like 
a Daughter-Church!  Again, Thanks, Lord!!

And our friend Janie brought in some dresses that she
made that are ----- REVERSIBLE (Revesib in Creole)

We added a tag in both languages so they know 
this super fun feature of the dress :) !!

Then, another bunch of layette gift bags
were filled -- 16 more -- now 30 in all!

Thanks to the tip jar in the BCC Coffee Shop,
we now have the funds to send these layettes to 
Ohio to get on a container to Haiti -- in 
the hands of New Mothers in no time!
Once more, Thanks, Lord !!

And to top it all off -- 
We had a Banner Day of Inventory!
What came in just today:
Dresses -- 45
Skirts -- 31
Shorts -- 14
Quilts -- 5

Thanks, Thanks, Thanks, Lord !!