Wednesday, June 19, 2013

And the stitching goes on . . . . and other joys today

I keep thinking about this little gal and how much
she's loved and cared for -- both by her Mommy
and this "mommy" (me) so far away ----

That's why I do what I do at my sewing machine
every chance I get!
And then there's this ministry --
so love, love, love what they are doing
for pregnant women in Haiti.  Healthy babies
abound !!!
I am so happy for LoveLOTs to assist them!

Then, I received a lovely gift today on Facebook ---
My good friend in Haiti, Patrick, has received education in
computers and software -- sure wish he could use his
talents for an employer!  But he uses them when
he can, and today, I was the recipient!
Made my morning!
Bless your day and all days,

Sunday, February 24, 2013

So, What About those Quilts .... ????

The Children's Home under construction by
Lifeline Christian Mission in Grand Goave, Haiti
has officially begun.  As we keep in mind Haitian construction
time does not always coincide with US  construction time, we will
still soon commence working on the first phase of bedding for the
children who will reside there.  The capacity will eventually
be 76 children, but this first phase of quilts will be 10 boys and 10 girls.
I'd like to fill you in just a bit on how this project all came about.
In January 2011 I was in Grand Goave, Haiti, with a group of
women.  At breakfast one day, I sat next to "L" who had resources
that she wanted to share.  After prayer, she decided some of those
resources should go to help build the Children's Home.  Well, as a
seamstress, what else would I do but offer to sew something !!!
I believe God led us to the place where we began discussing
the possibilites and soon the Quilt Project was born!   Donations
for the materials have come from both Newberg Christian Church
and Beaverton Christian Church -- Ladies from both churches
are signed up to begin the stitching very soon.
With that, it's time to unveil just what the quilts for the
Children's Home will look like.  Below you'll find a layout
of the boys version.  There are some awesome
fabric prints !  So fun to choose and stitch !


Next we have the girls version -- so pretty and sweet!
Then, a sweet lady in Beaverton (who heard about the sewing
ministry at Beaverton Christian through the local newspaper)
took on the crocheting of 20 stuffed animals to accompany
the quilts -- Here's a sampling of what she's created so far --
And . . . . . . ladies in Indianapolis have created canvas bags
that will hang at the end of each child's bed to store
some of their personal belongings.
A team effort for sure !
So you don't sew or crochet or do anything of the kind ??
There's still a place for you -- stay tuned for a
campaign to gather sheet sets, plastic mattress covers,
blankets and pillows!  You, too can be involved!
This is such an exciting project, at this point involving about
30-35 ladies -- Praise the Lord for His Provision!
And Merci Jezi !!
Here are a few lifeline construction shots -- it's really happening !