Tuesday, March 22, 2011

So Much to Be Thankful For !!

We recently learned that a local church will contribute $1,000 towards the Quilt Project !!  I just about fell off my chair -- my co-workers were asking "what happened?"  And when my boss came in to work that day and asked how I was, I could only gush and say how really, really fine I was!  We're so thankful for this gift that makes the quilts a much closer reality!

As well, all of the 120 Layette Gift Bags are being sewn up as I write.  Many have already been turned in and are just waiting for the day when we can fill them with gifts -- so heart-warming to have so many involved!

Be watching for April 3 when the SILK table in the BCC Atrium will display what we're up to and all that we hope to accomplish with the skills God has given us.  All who visit us there will have opportunity to contribute to the quilt fund and/or take a list of layette items to purchase.  It's a Family effort !!

Praise God and Merci Jezu !!!

Jan and the SILK Ladies

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Another Day -- Another Great Time at Work!

 On Saturday we had one of the best SILK days yet!
Sixteen ladies came - some for the whole time -- some
for just a short while -- and it was wonderful !!
Baby Quilts, Dresses, Boys Shorts
and Layette Gift Bags were all lovingly
created for Haiti and here at home!
Join us next month --
April 9th, 9am to 2pm.

Roxie, Carol, Linda and Nadine
So glad to welcome return members and new ones alike!

Taking a break to enjoy each other's talent!
Carol, Margaret, Marie and Roberta

Laura & Etta sorting through projects in process.

Stop by for even a short while -- Linda and her friend
tied quilts for an hour - so happy they did!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Quilts for Haiti Fund Raising Update

To date, we have just over $900 collected towards the materials purchase for the quilts for Little Paradise Children's Home to be built in Grand Goave, Haiti.  If the Lord is leading you to partner with us, go to www.bcc.org and you can give online -- just designate it for "Haiti Quilts".

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Finished Gift Bags !!

Here are a couple finished products - about 14"x14" capacity.
Can hardly wait to have a bunch done in
all those bright colors we have cut out !!

If you'd like to help stitch some up, leave a comment for Jan!