Monday, September 15, 2014

ALL IN . . . . . Elsewhere, Here and Everywhere

Our sermon series at church right now is “All In” – people like Jim Elliot and his companions; people like brave young men on D-Day in 1944 -- people who gave everything, especially those for the cause of Christ.

 I admit that before he mentioned those folks I was thinking about myself and my church family, and  thinking how we’re pretty much all in” in some way.  But when you think of the sacrifice those persons made, well, I am only “part way in” !

Another message I heard recently out at Camp Wi-Ne-Ma was how our church family can be more “all in” – somewhat more figuratively that I’ve ever considered before.  Read on  --

“We didn’t like the stream that was flowing by the front door of the church. The water was murky and muddy and there were chunks of stuff floating in it.  So, we created our own streams up behind the church.  Interestingly enough, although the water is a bit cleaner and we can see the bottom most of the time, the streams run parallel with each other.”   (Rick Rusaw)

Am I only stepping into the stream that’s flowing behind the church?  Or am I willing to step into the stream that’s flowing right in front – where all of life’s “chunks” and “stuff” are floating?  Am I even spending some time there . . . .  I think I have (as I’m currently available) as I spend time in a flowing stream that’s called Haiti.  But I think there’s a stream right here in my town that needs attention.  It needs the attention of NCC and our church family there.  NCC already has quite a lot of folks stepping into the stream called “Newberg” and I know that pleases the Lord.  It’s exciting to be a part of that “wading”!  It’s exciting to hope that many of us at NCC will “wade” even more into that stream.

And these this last week we heard about availability. 
     How much time do we spend in reaching out to others? 
     How much time should be spent?  Are we making ourselves available to others? 
     Do we “Seize the Day” – make our life extraordinary?    
Our pastor told us to not sit there and do nothing – but do SOMETHING!  He apologized for getting worked up – I feel like I need to tell him “Don’t apologize for that”!   Feel free to Kick us in the
Kick Starter – as he said “we may not be able to pierce the darkness, but we can definitely shed light”!

I’m ready to shed some light while I’m out the wading the in “stream” – who’s with me ????


Friday, April 11, 2014

The Loveliest Quilts this side of Grand Goave, Haiti!

Just look at the growing stack of finished
quilts for Haiti!
It's my plan to take them personally in
early August - that's uber-exciting!
Currently we have seamstresses ranging
from middle school to middle 80's !!
And from Oregon to North Carolina -
and some points in between!
God is Good - All the Time !
Merci Jesus,

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

And they just keep coming . . . . .

The lovely quilts are in process for the children's home -- I must get the rest of the materials to the ladies making the first 20.  I can hardly contain my excitement for the day when all of these come together in one place, made in love with loving hands, full of God's Beauty and then on their way to bless those Beautiful children in Grand Goave, Haiti.
As I returned from Haiti last month, I put out the word that I needed more seamstresses -- I now have commitments for the next 30 to be made in the near future!  One group in Ohio said "we'll do 20" !  I just about fell off my chair - can you believe it ?!?!?!?  Merci Jesu -- Thank You Jesus - Amen, Amen!
You know, I think about this project all the time.  I think back 3 years ago when the Lord placed this on my heart.  I think about how long it seems to have taken, but that this is the perfect timing that God has ordained.  The directors of the home will be chosen soon and then the children will move into this new place they can call "home".  It's my hope and prayer that these quilts show them something of the Love that the Lord has placed on my heart for them, as well as all of the other ladies who are so generously giving of their time and talent.
I feel so blessed and so happy to be in this effort for Him; For the ......

"Boys become kings, girls will be queens
Wrapped in Your majesty
When we love, when we love the least of these
Then they will be brave and free
Shout your name in victory
When we love when we love the least of these
When we love the least of these."

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Many Blessings In the Making !

It's been three years in the making, but the blessings
are finally in the works!
Here are two quilts I was able to take
to Haiti this month.  They are just a
sample of the 20 that are now in the works
by ladies in Oregon.  I'm thrilled to be
working with:
Norma G, Joanne H, Ruth P, Mary R,
Kathy L, Danna J, Donna C, Linda B,
Diane W, Bev R, Laura J, Marie C and Diane M.
If you are interested in helping, please contact me
at -- -- and I can get
you started on the next 56 we need to make
this next year.  I have no doubt it will happen!

The quilts packaged up and stored away for now.
Piece by piece, they come together. 

The Children's Home as it looks January 2014.
Progress is happening while I type this !!

Again, this labor of love will be such a gift
for the children who come to live in this home.
Pray about the hiring of a couple to serve as
the directors of this home -- God will provide there too!
Blessing to you all,
Merci Jesu !